Abstract from issue 1, December 1997
In this issue of Bin
ie d'r één van Nekkers ? :
Preview of 1998
Reactions on first letter
Why this title ?
A miller in Arnhem
Albert Nekkers’ properties
The cartoon.......
White women (“witte wieven”) in the Achterhoek of Gelderland
Call for papers
List of addresses
December 1997
Dear relative,
Things are developing quick now, the first
letter to all of you (two months ago) and all reactions. Therefore a newsletter
now. And thank you for your answers and information.
I will process all new information and will
give feedback to some of you, who had specific requests for information on
family branches.
Happy New Year to our 100 readers. Look for the
next newsletter, with more details on our family history!
on first letter
We got many reactions on our invitation to give your opinion on this
initiative to publish information on the genealogy
of the Nekkers family. What were the reactions:
- many of you are
surprised about the number of relatives and their present domiciles
- wrong information
on addresses (old, double), and additional addresses
- pieces of family
trees, already made (on paper)
- (copies of) official
papers, to be stored in my archive
- some people send
small financial contributions (Dutch stamps) for support of my work (note: typical
What went wrong in our first
letter ? Well, I forgot to ask you who you are. I know you name and address,
but don’t know your parents and grandparents. At the saem time, I don’t know
your age, sex, your place of birth etc. That means our family tree has still many leaves, which cannot be
located properly. So, this needs further investigation in 1998.
What went very well with our
first letter ? By copying on both sides of the paper and by decreasing the size
of the address list, I could keep the weight of the envelope within the 20 gram
range for a letter with a stamp of 80 cent s (0,80 Dutch guilders). This saved money.
Why this title ?
The question:
Bin ie d'r één van Nekkers ? (Are you one of the Nekkers family ?),our
title for this newsletter, was heard very often by the children in my family. Wherever
you walked around or went by bike in Zutphen or its neighborhood, there was a
chance that people would recognize us.....................
Probably the older generation Nekkers was famous or
illustrious, or it was due to our appearance (a characteristic nose, protruded
ears ?). It was not possible to be an anonymous Nekkers-child. Not funny !
The tile is written in a kind of “general East-Netherlands” language
(dialect) and probably all Dutch readers can pronounce and understand it.
A miller in Arnhem
in Dutch 439 words)
Historic information on: Gerrit Jan Nekkers (born
Winterswijk 1818, died Arnhem 1869), ancestor of one Arnhem branch. Married with
Agnita Johanna van Eldik (born Dodewaard 1820, died Arnhem 1897). The couple
had 9 children.
Gerrit Jan was miller in Valburg and
Arnhem, according to articles in:
The magazine: “Gelderse molens”
And a chapter called “De Sint Jansbeek
en de Prümer Hof” in a unknown book on Arnhem.
The properties of Albert Nekkers
After Jenneken’s death in 1879, a testament
is made for Albert. His three (by then living) sons are present. The text is:
...................The inventory is:
In the kitchen two closets with estimated value fifty guilders 50.-
Clock with
ornaments, twelve guilders 12.-
In a cupboard,
plates, cups, a kettle etc., four guilders 4.-
Two tables
and chairs, eight guilders
Beds and
accessories, forty guilders
Stove, tools
and water kettle, six guilders, fifty cents 6.50
Linen sheets
and pillowcases, twenty-five guilders
Mans cloths
and accessories with watch, thirty guilders 30.-
cloths and accessories with gold gem, forty guilders 40.-
Wash tub
with buckets, three guilders, fifty cents 3.50
On the treshing floor two goats, three chicken, twelve
guilders 12.-
Treshed and
untreshed rye, twenty-eight guilders 28.-
Hay and kidney
beans, eight guilders
Farm tools
with wheelbarrow, five guilders
Copper kettle,
two iron pots and two buckets, seven guilders, fifty cents 7.50
thirty-five guilders
In total,
three hundred fourteen guilders, fifty cents 314.50
............................The estimation
was done by mister Albertus Henseler, merchant in Lochem, named by all parties
as expert and nominated (under oath) by the honourable District Judge in
Zutphen .............
To these properties some real estate
was added and some debts were subtracted. Finally an amount of 1178.40 guilders
and one half cent remained, besides some real estate and a seat in the Reformed
Church in Lochem.
Official archive Arnhem, Notarial Archive Lochem (notary Mispelblom Beijer), act
number 4229.