In brief: the Nekkers / Neckers history

Some information for those, who look at these pages for the first time. We started to send a letter to people with our last name Nekkers in October 1997.
How it started in 1997: the author of this letter is Peter Nekkers from Soest (The Netherlands), a descendant of Anthoni Nekkers (1734-1805). The search for our family tree has started in 1985 by Gerrit Jan (short name Jan) Nekkers from Amersfoort, a descendant of Willem Nekkers (1730-1784), Anthoni's brother.
Anthoni and Willem are two of nine children of Harmen Nekkers (Neckers) and Berendina Straatman. Harmen is probably son of Pieter (written: Pijter) Neckar, who marries Maria Smidts from Bredevoort in 1682 in Zutphen. This is as far back as our family history goes. We have some older tracks, but they are not very well documented and connected.

Did you know that:

the computer database has some 2000 family members now (Nekkers, Neckers and married to Nekkers)? And that the Nekkers group seems to have one and the same ancestor?

that we have now already 11 generations?

that we had three reunions already? The first and second in the Achterhoek (Gelderland, The Netherlands). The third in 2008 in Holland (Michigan, USA). We had 35 attendants there.

that they live now all over The Netherlands, in particular Arnhem, Hellendoorn, Hengelo (O), Lochem, Nijverdal, Winterswijk and Zutphen. And outside The Netherlands in Canada, Germany, Australia and the United States?

that the early tracks are in the Achterhoek part of Gelderland , the Dutch province in the east, where Pieter Neckar marries Maria Smidts as a soldier from the regiment of a mister Louwerman from Zutphen?